Welcome to Belleville School
Thank you for your interest in Belleville Primary School. We are a friendly, supportive and successful school at the centre of our local community. Our children are happy and settled here. While we are a large school, we never lose sight of an individual child’s experience and our focus on your child’s wellbeing.We retained our Ofsted 'Outstanding' rating in March 2022 and are part of the Quality First Education Trust. Our children achieve well beyond the national average.and go onto a wide range of excellent state and independent schools when they finish primary school.
School Tours
Attending a school tour is a great way to find out more about our vibrant and inclusive school. We offer regular small group tours for parents and carers interested in a place at Belleville throughout the year as well as two larger open mornings each year. To find out more and book your place, please visit our School Tours page.
You can also view our virtual tour, download our prospectus or hear from our current pupils about what life is like at Belleville.
When to apply
Children start Reception in the academic year (September to August) that they have their 5th birthday. You should apply for a Reception place by mid-January of the year that your child starts Reception in September.
Applications for Reception places for September 2025 (for children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021) through Wandsworth Council closed on Wednesday 15 January 2025. Parents/carers will be notified of their primary school place on Wednesday 16 April 2025.
If you missed the deadline for September 2025 and are interested in a place, you can still put in an application through Wandsworth Council to be added to the Waiting List.
How to apply
You should apply for your primary school place to the borough in which you live, even if you are applying for schools that are not in that borough.
All Reception Admissions are managed by Wandsworth Borough Council on our behalf. Please visit the Wandsworth website for more information and to make an application. You can also download their Choose a Wandsworth Primary School brochure, contact them by email at admissions@wandsworth.gov.uk or by telephone on 020 8871 7316.
On our Policies page, you can also download the Belleville Primary School admissions policy which gives details of the admissions prioritisation criteria.
If you have any queries, please contact the School Office on enquiries@belleville.q1e.org.uk or phone 020 7228 6727 and they will be happy to help.
Belleville Primary School is also close to the borough boundary with Lambeth. If you live in Lambeth and would like to attend our school, you will need to apply for a place through the Lambeth Council website.
How are sites (Meteor Street or Webb’s Road) allocated for Reception?
Belleville School is one school located on two sites, Webb's Road and Meteor Street. After places have been offered and accepted, the school will ask parents/carers to say which site they prefer. This usually happens in early June. We will then allocate children to sites using the order in which places at the school were offered according to the Admission Criteria.
If you are offered a Reception place at Belleville School after 1st July, when class lists must be finalised, you will be offered a place at the site that has the space available at the time the offer is made. You can accept this place or decline it and stay on the waiting list (although we cannot guarantee that another space or the site you prefer will become available). Once the allocation is made on 1st July, the children will stay on that site for their time with us.
How are classes allocated?
After the 1st July, we use all of the information we have to create balanced classes on the site. In years where Meteor Street has one class, all children will be in the same class.
Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate requests from parents/carers based on friendships or other factors so that this process is fair and transparent.
What if I missed the deadline for Reception?
You can put in an application through Wandsworth Council after the deadline and be added to the waiting list. The waiting list is kept in order of the Admissions Criteria so you may not automatically be at the bottom. As places become available, we will contact you to offer you a place. If this is after 1st July it will be at the Reception site that has a place available.