We are proud of our high standards of behaviour and our high expectations. Children work and behave in a calm way, which is essential for maximising their learning and for children to feel happy at school. We have clear systems and routines that support excellent behaviour, and strategies to pre-empt any issues.
The Belleville Behaviour Policy is based on Making the Right Choices and has six key points:
All (children and adults) will make the right choices to ensure that everyone:
1. Is kept and feels safe
2. Can learn
3. Feels welcome and valued
To be able to make the right choices children need to understand and (appropriate to their age/stage) be able to explain/reflect/act upon:
4. What the right choice is
5. Why this is the right choice
6. How to take responsibility for their choices
Rewarding the right choices
Reward systems based on praise are used in all classes to encourage good work and behaviour. We present children with certificates to reward excellent work, effort or behaviour on a weekly basis. We also award badges for exceptional achievement in Sport, Community, Arts, Academic and Endeavour. We also encourage children to work together to make the right choices through our House System.
Addressing the wrong choices
If children make the wrong choices, we address these as they arise. All staff are aware of the importance of dealing with any behavioural incidents quickly and effectively. Systems are in place for managing issues in the classroom and in the playground. Children are always given time to calm down (if needed) and to discuss and resolve any problems that may have arisen.
We guide children through discussion appropriate to their age/stage, starting with “Are you making the right choice?” We support them to think through the consequence of their choice, how they can fix any issues and how they can make the right choice in the future. For the vast majority of children, for the vast majority of the time, this will be enough to achieve excellent standards of behaviour.
You can download our behaviour policy in the Policies section of our website.