Externally Run Clubs

All Star Tennis Club

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Booking Link: Click here


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Arts and Craft Club

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These are fun classes designed to enhance children’s creative side. Give your child a fun journey of exploration, creativity, discovery and development!

Webb's Road: Monday and Friday, 3.30pm - 4.30pm. (Reception - Year 1)

Meteor Street: Thursday, 3.30pm - 4.30pm. (Reception - Year 2).

To book or for more information, please contact Andi:

Email: stylestationworkshops@gmail.com

Mobile: 07508 129941

Chess Club

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Learn chess with Anu – open to students from Reception to Year 6.

·         Webb's Road: Monday & Tuesday (7.50am – 8.50am), Wednesday & Friday (3.30pm – 4.30pm)

·         Meteor Street: Thursday (7.50am – 8.50am)

For bookings or more information, please contact Anu:
 Email: chessclubbelleville@gmail.com
 Mobile: 07806 821934

Coding Classes from Year 1 to Year 6 (HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT)

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Year Group: Y1 - Y6 

Location: Belleville Primary School (Webb's Site / Monday and Friday / Before School)

Time: 7:50-8:50AM (Mondays & Fridays)


Year Group: Y1 - Y6 

Location: Belleville Primary School (Meteor Site / Tuesdays / Before School)

Time: 7:50-8:50AM (Tuesdays)

Booking Link: www.itag.club > Courses

- Kids will be building their own websites from scratch in HTML, JavaScript & CSS - and yes, you guessed, the name of the company comes from the < i > Tag in HTML.

- Each coder will have their own Macbook Air to work on - we'll bring all the equipment

- Limited Availability - The class runs in really small numbers 

To book, please visit www.itag.club. For further information, contact office@itag.club

Dance Clubs

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(in association with The Jam London) 

The Jam offers a great variety of classes for all year groups, there’s something for everyone. Each lesson will form an environment in which your child is able to build confidence, express themselves and stay fit in a fun and educational way.

Street Dance
The Jam have been teaching street dance at Belleville for the past 8 years. Children will learn the coolest dance moves and dance to their favourite popular tunes.

Musical Theatre
The musical theatre class will be centred on dance, acting and singing performance within the genre of musical theatre shows.

A highly disciplined dance style, let us show you how fun it can be!

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To book or for more information, please visit:
Email: classes@thejamlondon.com

Website: www.thejamlondon.com

Booking form: https://www.thejamlondon.com/school-clubs

Deutschclub/German club

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A fun way to help children enjoy learning and improving their German. This club is designed for children who have at least some basic understanding of the German language. The lessons are taught entirely in German. 

Webb's Road: Monday, 3.30pm - 5pm.

To book or for further information, please contact Irmela Hopkins:

Email: irmelahopkins@gmail.com 

Mobile: 07900 825422.

Vielen Dank!

French Between the Commons

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Le français après l'école anglaise de la moyenne section au CM2.

Academic French Lessons from Reception to Year 6 

Webb's Road and Meteor Street, Monday and Wednesday after school. 

To book or for further information, please contact:

Email: tina@frenchbtc.co.uk

Telephone: 07793 973498

Greek Club

Article ImageA fun and engaging way for children to enjoy learning and improving their Greek! This club is open to students of all levels, from beginners to more advanced speakers. We offer tailored support to ensure each child progresses at their own pace, while learning in a friendly, immersive environment.

Thursdays, 3:15pm – 5:15pm

To book or for more information, please contact:  


Email: eftsarsitalidou@gmail.com

Mobile: +44 7485586265

To register, please fill in the registration form below :



Guitar Lessons

Article ImageGeoff Raggett has been teaching at Belleville since 2015. He has a wealth of experience teaching, performing and composing music. The guitar lessons are delivered on an individual basis.

Whether you want to Rock, Pop or Baroque, all styles can be catered for. The lessons are fun and high energy with the focus being on building confidence and encouraging the desire to perform. 

Webb's Road: Wednesday from 3.30pm. (Year 2 to Year 6).

Meteor Street: Monday from 3.30pm. (Year 2 to Year 6).

To reserve a place or for more information, please contact Geoff:

Email: rags7878@hotmail.com

Mobile: 07900 565763

Italian Club

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Beginners/Elementary Italian Classes - SIAL.courses (La Scuola Italiana a Londra)

Webb's Road: Thursday, 3.30pm - 4.30pm. (Year 1 to Year 6).

To book or for more information, please contact:

Email: corsi-italiano@sial.courses

Mobile: 07544 976601

Iteach:sew - Sewing Club

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For more information or to book, please contact Julia:

Email: iteachsew@gmail.com 

Mobile: 07768 6677074

Let's Act - Drama Club

Article ImageJoin Let' s Act this September! Let's Act have been running for 15 years and their main objective is that your children leave their classes loving who they are! There are classes available from Reception through to Year 6.

We collect the children from school and look after them until our club starts at 4pm. Children will spend their time learning exciting musical theatre songs, dances and scripts ready for a show in a real theatre in the Summer and will also work towards taking LAMDA exams (optional) in November and March. Classes are designed to build confidence and develop children's speech and communication.

Webb's Road: Monday - Friday, 3.30pm - 5.30pm, and Saturday, 10am - 1pm.

Book online here.

Meteor Street: Friday 3.30pm - 5.30pm and Summer camps

Book online here.

For further information, please contact Amy Shone:

Email: info@letsactdramaclasses.co.uk

Mobile: 07738 681925

Website: www.letsactdramaclasses.co.uk

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What do we do at camp -

Children Act - Sing - Dance their way to improved confidence and individuality! Everyone takes part in a filmed showcase that is sent to you to enjoy on the Sunday after camp! Plus games, crafts and art. We have something for everyone!

Belleville Meteor - 
Alice in wonderland inspired - https://lets-act.classforkids.io/camp/455
Little Mermaid inspired - https://lets-act.classforkids.io/camp/456


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Premier Education Group (formerly Youngstars)

We’re thrilled to announce that from January 2025, Youngstars will be joining Premier Education Group (PEG), the UK’s leading provider of PE, Sports Clubs, and Wraparound Care and Holiday Camps. This partnership means the same familiar Youngstars team, but with access to Premier’s advanced systems and resources to provide even better services for your family.

Webb's Road:

Tuesday, 3.30 - 4.30pm - Tennis (Reception - Year 2)

Wednesday, 3.30 - 4.30pm - Athletics (Reception to Year 2)


Meteor Street:

Monday, 3.30 - 4.30pm - Football (Reception - Year 2)


To book, please visit the website

If you have any questions about making a booking or using Childcare Payment, Premiers Customer Solutions Team is here to help…

Email - info@premier-education.com

Phone - 01953 499040

Public Speaking & Debating Club

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Help your child build confidence, improve communication skills, and develop critical thinking in a fun and supportive environment. Our engaging sessions teach children how to speak clearly, craft persuasive arguments, and work as a team while fostering self-expression and problem-solving skills.

Meteor street: Friday from 3.30pm to 4.30 pm

To register your interest and receive more information please fill in this form:   https://tinyurl.com/wrj2udvn

Russian Club

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Webb's Road: Saturday, 10am - 4pm

For further information or to book, please contact Rufina Adamuka:

Mobile: 07919 894379
Telephone: 020 8906 9884

Spanish Club

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Our programs are carefully designed to support the KS1/ KS2 curriculum, while engaging young minds through FUN interactive activities and games. 

The club is open to both beginners and more advanced speakers. Our lessons are tailored to help each child progress at their own pace.


Webb's road - 3.20pm to 4.30pm

Monday - Year 3 to Year 6

Wednesday - Year 1 to Year 2

Wednesday - Year 3 to Year 6


To book or for further information, please contact Mylene Bresson.

email: mylene.bresson@kidslingo.co.uk

Textile and Design classes at Belleville

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The club is an enjoyable, creative way to explore art techniques and create garments and other outcomes. 

Pupils will have the chance to experience a range of textile, including pattern designing, manipulating fabric and recognising the different materials. They will improve hand – eye coordination, mathematic skills and will nourish creativity and uniqueness. All materials are included.

·         Pediactric First Aid trained 

·         Safguarding level 1 

·         DBS checked 

Webb’s Road 

Tuesday 3.30pm -5pm 

Friday 3.30pm- 5pm 

To book or for further information, please contact, Indre

Email:          indresilkiniene@yahoo.com   

Telephone:  07446957570

Youngstars Sports Clubs

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Youngstars  has joined Premier Education Group.
Please see the information for Premier Education above.