Our school uniform is compulsory. Please ensure that your child wears the correct Belleville uniform each day.
In line with the Department for Education’s statutory guidance on the cost of school uniforms, uniform with the Belleville logo on is optional and unbranded uniform in school colours can be purchased through most major supermarkets and department stores.
As part of our school commitment to sustainability, we encourage parents to 'reuse, reduce and recycle' by purchasing pre-loved uniform where possible. Belleville PTA holds regular pre-loved uniform sales at both school sites.
Our uniform consists of:
Light blue or white polo shirt or shirt
For PE: Navy blue t-shirt or a new House T-shirt, available from Price & Buckland.
House colours are:
- Forthbridge House - White
- Meteor House - Red
- Northcote House - Blue
- Wakehurst House - Green
- Webb's House - Yellow
Navy blue fleece/sweatshirt/cardigan/jumper (not hoodies)
Grey/navy/blue/black skirts, trousers, shorts or plain tracksuit bottoms
Sensible practical shoes must be worn for safety reasons
Blue and white gingham (checked) summer dress
Must be in the school colours of navy blue, light blue or white
Please label all items of your child’s clothing with their full name and also ensure they come to school with a coat in colder weather.
Please also avoid sending your child to school wearing jewellery and be aware that your child may be asked to remove large or excessive pieces of jewellery for health and safety reasons.
Our new uniform supplier is Price & Buckland and you can order uniform through their website. Once you have reached the checkout page, you can choose to have the uniform delivered to your home and you will be charged the postage costs for orders under £50. You can also choose the free collect from school option, and the uniform will be delivered to Belleville School during the 2nd and 4th weeks of each month.
For pupils entitled to Pupil Premium, we supply up to £80 of uniform each year for each child using the Pupil Premium funding. Please contact the School Office with what you need and we will order it on your behalf.